Laravel Validation: Comprehensive Guide, part 1


In this tutorial I’ll cover different ways you can validate your data in Laravel 4. Almost every interactive web application requires some kind of data validation. For example, if your web application have registration form, you want email field to be unique or require from users to confirm their password. Laravel already has many standard rules to use within your validator, but if you don’t find one that meets your requirements at any time you can create your own rule.

There is a many ways how you can implement validation and I think the most common and the easiest way is to validate data directly in your controller. But, before we start validating our data let’s configure database and create migration for ourĀ  users table.

Continue reading Laravel Validation: Comprehensive Guide, part 1

Laravel: Model Observers

In the last tutorial I showed you how you can speed up a web application by caching database queries that are executed very often. However, there is a problem. Application will cache the resulted dataset, and in the future this dataset will be served. You need to tell your application to flush the cache every time when certain Model is updated. That way every time you edit, delete or add new Model item, old cache will be flushed, and query will be executed again. Afterwards, resulting new dataset will be cached and served until Model is updated once again. Continue reading Laravel: Model Observers