Using Repository Pattern In Laravel 5 – Eloquent Relations And Eager Loading


Before we go to the main topic of the article, I’ll give you a short heads up for some design problems you may face. Recently one of my clients complained that some pages open very slowly. When I say very, I mean incredibly slow. So I’ve decided to debug that page and what I saw shocked me. Query section was showing that on that page was executed an staggering 16500+ queries !!

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Installing Icinga2 (fork of Nagios) on Debian 7 (Wheezy)


Icinga is a fork of Nagios monitoring system. There are lots of changes and upgrades compared to Nagios, especially in version 2. The main visible difference is UI which is built on ext js. Other significant differences are in hosts and services definitions (it will be covered in part 2).

For this tutorial we’re going to use Digital Ocean smallest droplet with installed Debian 7.8.

Continue reading Installing Icinga2 (fork of Nagios) on Debian 7 (Wheezy)

Using Repository Pattern in Laravel 5

These days there is a lot of buzz about software design patterns, and one of the most frequently asked questions is “How can I use some pattern with some technology“. In the case of Laravel and the Repository pattern, I see often questions like “How I can use repository pattern in Laravel 4” or nowadays “ Laravel 5”. Important thing you must remember is that design patterns do not depend on specific technology, framework or programming language.

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